Powershell Systems Administration Uncategorized WSUS

Fix for Windows Server 2016 Stuck at “Downloading 0%” from WSUS server – UpdateServiceUrlAlternate Registry Key

I ran into an issue recently with our Windows Server 2016 servers not installing their updates. Instead, all our 2016 servers would get stuck with the message “Updates are available. Downloading updates 0%” however they would never actually download the updates. These servers were configured to our WSUS server, which was also a Server 2016 […]

Powershell SCCM Systems Administration Uncategorized

How to Opt-In and Detect to Microsoft Update for other Microsoft products using Powershell

Update 2021-10-07: Updated broken links. Update 2018-03-25: Updated the script to make it more easily runnable from the command line (thanks Grant for the suggestion). I’ve also made the script available from on my Gitlab repo. To run the script from the command line, download it from the Gitlab repo, and then execute like this: […]